Though this project started as a way to share animals with friends and keep myself occupied for a month, it has morphed into much more. It is my desire to eventually be able to do a show and reach more people, showing just how many animals are at risk. Unfortunately there is no way I will be able to afford to frame these on my own unless I take a long time to save up the money for it. I am not one to ask for help, especially financial help. I grew up below the poverty level and though we were at risk of not having enough money to buy food, my parents never would take government assistance because they felt it was meant for people worse off than us. I have a hard time remembering that just the way I love to help others, people might actually like to help me.
So, I have set up an account on the site "Buy Me a Coffee". I chose that one because not only can you donate my base amount of $2.00, you do not have to set up an account with them to be able to donate. Now $2.00 doesn't actually buy me a frame, or even a matteboard cut to size, but every little bit helps. I wanted to set up an amount that I didn't feel would be too much for most people. I have one extra at the moment, but I am thinking of others to do as well.