
Carnivore Week
These are one of the least studied mammals. The population numbers are unknown but assumed to be declining...though slowly which is better than it could be I suppose. They are from the Andes, in Venezuela. Habitat loss and hunting are their biggest threats.
I realized I did not have enough colours for my son's temperature afghan. I'm getting extra anxious. I was going to start on it today, but wasn't able to. I did get the order of what I have completely figured out, and ordered the extra colours. So, now I need to finish my bff ladybug's present. Her birthday is coming up. Then I have to start on Christmas presents. We don't have much money so it isn't going to be that exciting for people I'm afraid. There are a lot of things I'd love to make, but can't afford to do. There are other things I'd love to do but don't have the time for. Hopefully I can come up with something for everyone though, and at least this year the kids don't need me to make them a costume. That should save me some time.